August 13th 2024


Welcome to the world of improvement and development!

We are excited to introduce three new tools that will keep you ahead of the curve and allow you to shape the future of our service:

  1. Changelog (Latest Updates): Stay informed about all the latest enhancements and improvements! In this section, we regularly update you on the newest features, fixes, and updates so you’re always aware of what’s new in our product.

  2. Roadmap: Curious about where we're headed? Our roadmap gives you a clear view of the features and improvements we plan to implement in the future. You can follow our progress and know what to expect in the coming months.

  3. Feedback: Your voice matters! Use this tool to share your ideas, suggestions, and feedback. Your input helps us understand which features are most in demand and what can be improved. Your feedback directly influences the development of our product.

Become a part of our product improvement team! With these tools, you can actively participate in its development and stay informed about all the changes.